Deer Lake Day Camp

for boys & girls in kindergarten – grade eight

Deer Lake Day Camp is located in Killingworth, Connecticut. The 253 acre property is composed of streams, woodlands, fields, open rock faces, and two private lakes nestled in the valley, perfect for swimming, boating and canoeing opportunities. This unique site is an ideal setting for Deer Lake Day Camp.

At Deer Lake Day Camp, all are encouraged to partake in games, songs, and hands on activities, allowing each individual to gain knowledge of nature and the environment while having fun in the great outdoors. The importance of sharing leadership and effectively communicating and building friendships as one works with others is a key element often overlooked with today’s fast-paced lifestyle. Staff at Deer Lake will bring that back into focus with age appropriate activities, helping youth develop teamwork and leadership through non-competitive games and problem solving events. Fun in the outdoors is a large part of the experience, where lifetime friendships are formed.



Directors Mark and Patty Clifton have dedicated their personal and professional lives to adventure and wilderness travel. With degrees in earth science and social sciences respectively, they each have over 25 years of experience leading outdoor youth programs. They stay closely connected to the heartbeat of youth camping in the northeast, as active members of the Connecticut Camping Association, American Camp Association, and Connecticut Experiential Education Association. They both maintain current certifications in all aspects of camp operation, and have trained numerous staff to be experts in the field.



All Deer Lake staff members have current certifications related to their programs, and have extensive experience guiding others through meaningful and educational activities. They are committed to sharing with you all they have gained from years of professional and personal adventure experiences. With college backgrounds ranging from the sciences to outdoor recreation, music, art, nursing, and education, the Deer Lake staff provide the best possible camp experience filled with great memories and new friendships.



Our goal at Deer Lake is for each individual to have fun filled opportunities, experiencing a broad selection of activities that enhance self esteem and promote a sense of well being in the outdoors. We are committed to enriching the lives of our campers by fostering wholesome living with strong values, developing youth into responsible leaders and promoting the acceptance of the equality of all persons.


Programs (9 A.M. – 4 P.M.)

A wide variety of activities geared to the age and maturity of each group keeps the campers engaged throughout each session. Programs range from daily swim instruction and free swim, to crafts, archery, boating & canoeing, nature & the environment, pioneering, sports & games, skits & songs and much more. Deer Lake Day Camp is State Licensed, following the strict guidelines required.

In addition to the above programs, campers entering grades K through 8 also participate in camp wide games and afternoon counselor hobby offerings such as: tye dye, ultimate frisbee, creek hiking, improv theater and orienteering. Special guest programs with an environmental theme also enhance the curriculum. Bus transportation is available to and from camp.

Extended Day

In order to accommodate working parents we have an Extended Day Program available at camp. This allows you to drop off your child before the 9:00 A.M. camp time, or pick them up after our 4:00 P.M. closing time. A healthy snack is provided during the extended day program. Advanced registration is required. A.M. Child Care begins at 7:30 at camp, and P.M. Child Care runs from 4:00 until 5:30 at camp for pick up by parents at camp.


Family Night

Families – This is a great opportunity to experience camp with your child! Meet counselors, skill area directors, and staff, and join us for some wild & crazy skits and songs with the campers. Family night is held the second Wednesday of each two week session (weather permitting). Information will go home with campers the first week of each session.



Along with traditional day camping, an optional overnight is offered to youth grade 3 and up. It provides the opportunity for campers to build their confidence in a natural environment while learning some basic camping skills. Overnights are held the second Wednesday of each two week session (weather permitting). Information will go home with campers the first week of each session.


Personal Conduct & Discipline

Our commitment is to the safety and well being of all our campers. Inappropriate behavior, such as the use of drugs or alcohol, lack of respect for others, their property, or the environment, will not be tolerated. In order to uphold the highest levels of safety, all campers will follow the instructions and procedures as outlined by the camp. Failure to honor these rules will warrant dismissal from camp without a refund.


Medical Policy

The State of Connecticut and the American Camp Association require that every camper at Deer Lake has a current and completed medical form on file in our office. These forms require proof of a physical examination within the past twelve months, the individual’s health history, proper immunizations, and required signatures. No one may attend our program without submitting a current and properly completed form to the office at Deer Lake. Forms must be in by June 1st. Medical forms will be provided in the confirmation packet.


Transportation and Bus Stops

Bus transportation is provided as a service at no additional charge. A bus schedule with pick up and drop off times is included in the registration confirmation packet. Arrival and departure times vary each session due to enrollment and the number of busses being used. A bus monitor will ride the bus, take attendance each morning and afternoon and help to provide a safe trip to and from camp. The bus stops are as follows:

Kimberly Ave. Ext. at Chili’s, East Haven
Cherry Hill Commuter Lot, Rte. 1, Branford
Exit 56 Commuter Lot, Leetes Island Road, Branford
Adams School, Rte. 77, Guilford
Exit 61 Commuter Lot, Rte. 79, Madison
Stanley T. Williams School, Rte. 17, Northford
North Branford Int. School, Rte. 80, North Branford
Rte. 80 & Little Meadow Rd., Guilford
Roberts Parking Lot, Rte. 80, Madison
Killingworth Elementary School, Rte.81, Killingworth
Exit 63 Commuter Lot, Rte. 81, Clinton

Call (203) 421-8484 or email for more information.